Letter from Farmer John: November 6, 2007

Hi Folks!

It seems as if we’ve gone straight from summer to winter, with nights getting colder almost every day. We have experienced some damage to various crops which are normally very tolerant to cold. At present we are scrambling to harvest or cover various planting of greens, lettuces, and even normally hardy cabbage family crops, in preparation for the coldest nights yet this fall, predicted for Wednesday and Thursday.

Today we finished harvesting the last of the potatoes. As always it’s a great relief to be done with that arduous task. Now I need to turn my attention to planting some cover crops to protect and improve the soil over the winter, and prepare ground for planting next years garlic crop. Garlic cloves are planted now and grow some roots before the ground freezes, then begins growing above ground as soon as the ground thaws in early spring. You might think that things would be slowing down by now, but there’s still plenty of work to be done, that will keep us busy right up to the end of the month.

The share for this week will be: Lettuce, salad turnips, celery root, tatsoi, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, choice of leeks or scallions, peppers, choice of cabbage or kohlrabi, bok choi, and choice of an herb.


Farmer John