General Member Guidelines
General info:
Parking and Traffic Please be sensitive to the residents of the neighborhood. Do not block driveways or try to turn around in the middle of the block. Be on the alert for children playing.
Bring Bags Canvas, plastic, paper, nylon mesh, vintage willow baskets, whatever. There will be bags at the site for those of you who forget, but the supply tends to run out, so try to remember to bring your own.
Sign-In This is very important. We need to know how many people have picked up so we can monitor the produce and make sure everyone gets their share. If you are picking up for someone else, or are having friends pick up for you, please be sure to sign-in.
Be Extra Careful When Bagging John gives us a precise amount of food and it should work out evenly, but sometimes it doesn’t. This can be the result of a miscount at the farm or it can be a distribution problem at the site, but we must all try to minimize human error.
Please Be on Time Try to arrive between 2:30 – 6:30. We would appreciate members not coming early and if you are going to be late, call and we will bag your share and leave it on the porch.
If you are going to be late and miss the pick up, you MUST call or text by 6:15 pm We want everyone to get their share. If you have difficulty getting to the site by 6:30 we will bag it and leave it on the porch. But only if you call before the end of the pick-up. If we do not hear from you we will assume that you are not picking up your share. You can also have a standing request to bag your share if you are unable to make it by 6:30.
Sign up for your work shifts and be on time. We use an online software tool called SignUp Genius to help members select their work shifts prior to the start of the season. As a courtesy, we also send an email a few days before to remind you of your upcoming shifts. Please be on time for your shift; 1:30 for set-up, 6:30 for clean-up at all three sites. If something unforeseen comes up and you absolutely can’t make it, it is your responsibility to try and find someone to fill your time. The SignUp Genius has a convenient swap feature that allows users to request a “work shift swap” with another member. If the other member “accepts” the request the work shift schedules are automatically adjusted. However, if for some reason you have a last minute emergency and need help getting coverage for your shift, please contact Asa for assistance. 973-985-9055,
Please see the site pages for more information and member regulations
Cedar Grove site member info
Llewellyn Rd, Montclair site member info
Parkway, Montclair site member info